massage services

Massage? Yes, please! Turn North DL is pleased to offer a wide variety of massage packages to clients.
If you have questions about any of our services or would like to create a custom massage package, please reach out.

*Prices below may vary based on independent massage therapist. Check our online booking for pricing and availability.

CUstom Massage Therapy

30 MINUTES | 43 +
45 MINUTES | 57 +
60 MINUTES | $80 and up 75 MINUTES | $105 and up
90 MINUTES | $120 and up

Custom Massage therapy incorporates a variety of modalities, or types of massage techniques, to ensure the best-individualized treatment to each guest. Using different combinations of massage, allows your Massage Therapist to explore which modality is most beneficial for your health and wellness.

+ Indicates prices can/will be higher based on the independent massage therapist you choose for your services.

*Prices listed above do not include sales tax

Hot Stone Massage

60 MINUTES | $85 and up 75 MINUTES | $90 and up
90 MINUTES | $130 and up

*Prices listed above do not include sales tax

A Hot Stone massage uses heat from the stones to help ease muscle tension, pain, and increase blood flow through the body. Hot Stone massage also helps relieve stress, anxiety and helps relax the muscles in the body.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release (MFR) finds the cause of our issues while treating the neuromuscular symptoms of our body and restless mind.

Myofascial release is a technique that involves applying sustained pressure into the connective tissue to restore balance and movement, improve blood flow to muscles and relieve pain. MFR is a special healing approach for chronic pain and also emotional trauma that can be trapped in the body. Addressing those issues can make your life more enjoyable.

MFR Pricing

60 MINUTES | $120 and up
90 MINUTES | $135 and up *Prices listed above do not include sales tax


Prenatal Massage

A prenatal massage is very similar to a custom massage with the exception of laying on your side with pillows, a wedge, or a full-size body pillow for support.

A prenatal massage is a therapeutic bodywork session specifically tailored for pregnant women to address the unique physical and emotional changes they experience during pregnancy. Here's a breakdown of what typically happens during a prenatal massage

Prenatal Pricing

60 MINUTES | $95 and up
90 MINUTES | $135 and up *Prices listed above do not include sales tax


Reflexology is a type of massage that focuses on the hands and feet to help promote healing to specific areas of the body.

Reflexology is the practice of applying alternating pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, and outer ears to influence the health of corresponding organs, glands, and parts of the body. In can help with low back pain relief migraine relief improved recovery from stroke, stress reduction, sleep, anxiety, and much more.

Reflexology Pricing

30 MINUTES | $50 and up
60 MINUTES | $100 and up *Prices listed above do not include sales tax


Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a specialized massage technique designed to stimulate the lymphatic system and encourage the natural drainage of lymph fluid from tissues throughout the body.

The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in the body's immune function, waste removal, and fluid balance. Unlike the cardiovascular system, which has the heart to pump blood, the lymphatic system relies on movement, muscle contraction, and manual manipulation to circulate lymph fluid.

MLD Pricing

30 MINUTES | $50 and up
60 MINUTES | $90 and up *Prices listed above do not include sales tax



Tabetha has been a Licensed Massage Therapist for 25 years. Her passion is helping people heal their body, mind, and soul. Tabetha specializes in deep tissue but also offers prenatal, relaxation, and cupping. She is also trained in Myofascial release therapy which helps with chronic pain and dealing with trauma that people store in their bodies.


Kayla graduated from M State about a year ago and has been at Turn North since! Kayla’s main focus is to help clients gain their mobility and health back with reliving pain with therapeutic services as well as creating a safe space for clients to come to whenever they need a little pick me up for stress or mental health. She also offers cupping, aromatherapy, deep tissue and hot stone massage.


Alysia has been a Licensed Massage Therapist for 6 years. During sessions, she homes in on the parasympathetic nervous system and helps to decompress the mind, body, and soul by using slow, gentle tissue manipulation techniques. Alyisa offers relaxation & deep tissue, myofascial release therapy, reflexology, manual lymphatic drainage, and hot stone massage.





Turn to our staff to relieve stress and tension! Ask about add-on services or creating a custom massage package for yourself or someone you love.

What do I need to know

  • We require card information to hold massage appointments

  • Arrive 20 minutes early to fill out client intake forms

  • If you are feeling unwell, please reschedule

  • We appreciate a 24 hour cancellation if possible

  • Our facility can accommodate large groups of individuals

  • Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.